Saturday, July 01, 2006

I just start to read Super Foods Health Style by Steven G Pratt, M.D. , and by Kathy Matthews. I’m reading about the chapter about Winter: Season of Resolution and I know it Summer now. There some great points about developing good habits. I like the ideal of self reward for exercising. Example...For every 12 hours I put in walking I’ll buy my self a new outfit I know I couldn’t afford to do something like this. But I know their ways I can reward my self for exersising.

The body is met to be move and less sitting. That why god/goddess gave us two legs and some muscles so we don’t need to be real inactive at all.

A few of the benefits of exersing: Can improve circulation, which has myraid beneficial health effect, boosts immune system, and weight bearing exersise, can make your bones stronger.
Plus their diseases and condition that exersising will help to prevent and or improve on such as:
Colon Cancer, Osteoporosis, Demrnyia, Arthritis and many others

They also talk about different type of exercises you can do at home and at work which would be quite easy. I’m thinking about lifting weights during every type of loan commercials I hear on T.V.

I love the tad bits of info they offer in grey here two of them.. For every pound of muscle you build, your body burns an extra 35 to 50 calories a day. Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness-William Stanley, the Earl of Derby, 1873


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