Thursday, June 15, 2006

First set of to do....

Well I don't know which one loaded first. The picture with a lot of road is looking North at end of my walk.
The picture looking out across the hay field is looking at the start of my walk. Butch (Dog) and I went for a walk this morning. We walk a one mile around trip and it took us 40 minutes. Not going to burn many calorie or build muscles at that rate

These are the first three things I need to acquire, My first set of goals will be to:

1. To loose 15 pounds so I’ll weigh 185.
2 My body fat is 42.20% I will be down below 40% shooting for 38%
3. Reduce my measurements by 5 inches. So my total inches will be 244 inches.

These are some of the things I need to do to obtain this goal:
1. Go to curves 3 times a week and go a least 1 or more times around.
2. Walk 3 times a week
3. No food after dinner, except for popcorn with no butter or salt

This is my 1st goal and the dead line for completion is Samhain or Halloween

honest time...I don't know if getting my percentage of body fat below 40% and reducing my measurements by 5 inches is out of line. I know the weight part isn't I'll have to loose 3 and 3/4 pounds a month, less then a pound a week


At 5:38 PM, Blogger Ladyred said...

I came across your blog. I also visited your other one and am rooting for you! I myself am trying to get myself into a lifestyle change of adding more exercise and correcting my diet in my's not easy....but it's possible and I know will be worth it! Keep it up!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Niobium said...

I'm finding that changing my way of thinking is the only way to change my diet and therefore, the shape of my body.

It's no easy but I'm sure you can do it.


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