Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Facts are Facts

The reason I’m fat and I need to take responsibility.
1. I don’t drink enough water.
2. I eat to late in the evening.
3. I sometime skip lunch
4. When I grab a snack most of the time it’s a doughnut of some type.
5. Not enough exercise.
6. Serving portion to much.
7. To much fat in my diet
8. I eat to cover when I’m sad, bored, happy, stress, depress. Ok I eat to cover every emotion.

Went to curves and had my monthly weigh in and measurements.
Bust 44.50 inches
Waist 38.00 inches
Abdomen 41.00 inches
Hips 47.00 inches
Thighs X (2) 48.40 inches
Arms X (2) 29.00 inches
A total of 249.90 inches.
Weight 200.50 pounds.
Body fat percentage 42.00%


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